Conference Sessions Summary
Monday, October 17, 2022
Despite the pandemic forcing a rapid adoption of video collaboration technology, most people still do not feel comfortable or confident speaking through a webcam… sometimes opting to not even turn it on. For those who do turn the camera on, many are making minor but important mistakes which are magnified through the lens. During “Owning the Zoom Room,” video communication expert and thought leader Karin Reed will empower people to exude “presence” when communicating and presenting virtually.
Joy Baldridge will walk us through how to handle anything with success and less stress. Through a mindset of adaptability, she will explore substantive ways to better handle adversity and return even stronger and how to tackle obstacles. Participants will be left feeling motivated and inspired.
Brief Overview of Session: Network and interact with other members for a 90 minute session.
IP Track
Litigation Track
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Litigation Track
Susan Gelmis
Susan will present an overview from the inside of case processing and caseload data in the Ninth Circuit. She will discuss recent and upcoming changes to rules, practices, and forms, and she will provide a guide to resources, filing tips and avoiding common filing mistakes.
Sarah Walsh and Nancy Hackney
Nancy and Sarah will provide tips and suggestions as to what parameters the court sets when reviewing documents that produce notice of deficiencies. The parameters that will be discussed will range from commencement of an action through trial.
Bradley Small, Esq. and Mary Beaudrow
Your brand is your reputation. Mary and Bradley will present an interactive presentation on how to build your brand. Their goal is to help individuals better understand what their individual and department brands are and how they can build on those brands. Participants will walk away with a better understanding and a plan of action moving forward and what they can do once they have built their brand. Audience participation will be heavily encouraged.
Alan O’Hair
Law firms that adopt formula or rule-based docketing applications often encounter an unforeseen challenge: significant numbers of extraneous rule-based deadlines that do not apply in the context of a particular case. Attorneys may be overwhelmed with unnecessary or incorrect reminders and dates, which can undermine trust in the centralized calendaring system. This presentation will highlight common types of extraneous deadlines that arise in rule-based applications and offer various strategies, protocolsSarah Frey, Esq., Alison Ladd, Esq. and Han Lee, Esq.
Risk management is important for all organizations now. Navigating a docketing team through the larger, strategic conversation within your organization can be difficult. Combining this difficulty with the daily responsibilities and stress of a docketing department can be overwhelming. Sidley has developed an auditing procedure that gives the professionals in the docketing department quality control feedback helping to reduce the risk and stress of making docketing errors. This session will cover how to design, implement and leverage a docket quality control program.
Mollybeth Kocialski
Mollybeth Kocialski, the Director of the Rocky Mountain Regional USPTO, will deliver remarks on the latest metrics at the USPTO, updates on patent procedure and law, and how the USPTO has advanced since the beginning of the pandemic.
David Le, Sarah Alawadi and Julie Brocketti
David, Sarah and Julie will make up an Examiner roundtable with David moderating. This session will be an interactive Q&A session wherein the attendees can personally ask examiners questions on procedure, docketing and the law.
Jason Blair, Esq.
Jason will provide insight to attendees as a previous trademark examiner on updated practice on trademark examination, the increase in random audits in the examination proceedings, and updates on trademark procedure and law, and how the Trademark Office has adapted since the beginning of the pandemic.
Kristin Bigelow and Allyson Campbell
Kristin and Allyson will lead a discussion of the new USPTO Patent Center, what’s new in Forms, updates to the search screens, filing drawings in DocX, and known issues and work-arounds in the Patent Center, to name a few.
Lori Martin, Phil Thomson and Kelly Whitfield
Lori, Phil and Kelly will focus attention on discussing best practices for quality control procedures, audit trails, adaptions made during the pandemic, and what, if anything, bars you from implementing best practices in a Quality Control program.