NDA Chapters |
In an effort to increase visibility and awareness of the National Docketing Association (NDA), the Membership Committee has established and continues to institute local chapters across the country to support the mission of uniting Intellectual Property and Litigation docketing professionals. The NDA local chapters are dedicated to connecting docketing professionals to exchange ideas, expand and build knowledge and understanding, and encourage networking in an informal and collaborative setting. Our goal is to provide educational opportunities and to increase awareness of docketing trends through roundtable discussions and/or speaker sessions; and to support and encourage growth of individual docketing professionals. |
Membership Committee Chairs
Marie Milovanovich Weintraub Tobin MarieMilovanovichNDA@gmail.com
NDA Chapter Chair and Co-Chair directory
Are you interested in joining an existing Chapter? If so, please contact the Chapter Chair and/or Co-Chairs of the Chapter you are interested in. |