National Docketing Association

Patent Inventors and Owners: Importance and Significance of Assignments under AIA

  • June 29, 2017
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Webinar


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Members, we are pleased to have Rose Walsh, Senior Patent Administration Manager for Foley, Hoag, LLP, discuss the expanded inventive entities under the 2012 America Invents Act.  Rose will also compare and contrast inventors, applicants and assignees.  Rose will discuss the importance of recording assignments in establishing ownership of title and rights to a patent invention.

Rosaleen (Rose) Walsh is the Senior Patent Administration Manager for Foley Hoag, LLP, where she manages the patent filing and docketing staff responsible for completing all U.S., PCT and foreign patent filings.  Rose is a registered patent agent and has over 20 years of patent filing and patent support staff management experience.  Rose has held positions ranging from a patent secretary at an IP boutique firm to an IP paralegal manager across offices for an international law firm.  In 2014,  Rose shared her accumulated patent expertise in a book entitled "U.S. Patent Prosecution for Support Staff - A Desk Reference".  Her book is designed as a practical reference guide designed to promote ongoing learning and job proficiency for paralegals and secretaries assisting patent practitioners in submitting compliant patent filings to the USPTO.

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